
From your WordPressAppManagement Cms to the inbox

DMARC Enforcement (No DMARC, No Party)

5.000 email/month


20.000 More

20.000 email/month

9.00 €/month

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50.000 More



Contact us

5.00 €/lifetime

Secure service continuity, with additional mailing packages – be prepared, never run out. Extra Messages are without expiry date and can be used while they last.


1.000 messages pack

Every plan includes

  • SMTP Relay
  • 30 days log retention
  • Segmented suppression lists
  • Multi- Tenant Access
  • Separate infrastructure for transactional and bulk email
  • Support Ticket
Can multiple domains be used with a single account?

Yes, accounts with a monthly subscription or prepaid package plan may be associated with up to 250 different domains that can be used as different senders. Accounts with a free plan may be associated with up to 50 domains.

Can I manually divide an account’s messages between its domains?

No, the messages included in the plans are for the account and the domains associated with it can send until they are exhausted.

Can I track the number of email messages sent by each domain?

Yes, from the Control Panel, you can monitor the daily message count for each domain.

Which payment methods are accepted?

We accept Credit Card or PayPal payments, with automatic monthly billing and renewal.

What occurs if I deplete the monthly sendings?

In case of unexpected surges in orders, you can acquire Extra Messages Packages, serving as a supplementary sending resource.